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Run Hide Fight Training with Katherine Schweit

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the purpose of the Run Hide Fight model in response to active shooters
  • Identify general best practices for each component of running, hiding, and fighting.
  • Assess specific best practices as they apply to a specific location or scenario, e.g. home, business, religious facility, school.
  • This course was designed for a broad audience of adults. We believe administrators, parents, event attendees, security team members, and  concerned community members will find value from this course.

    Training Overview:

    • Introduction to Run, Hide, Fight

    • Benefits of Training

    • Run, Hide, Fight Fundamentals

    • Best Practices

    • Special Considerations

    • Conclusion of Learning

    Resources Available in this Course

    • Video Training from Katherine Schweit

      Former FBI agent Katherine Schweit guides this training on the "Run Hide Fight" fundamentals, providing best practices for surviving active shooter situations.

    • Assessments

      This course includes both a pre-assessment and a post-assessment to evaluate students' learning and comprehension of the material.

    • Additional Resources

      Additional resources on active shooters are available from the FBI and FEMA.

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